Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Babies Are Not Babies Anymore

Just some pictures of my little babies that are almost all grown up. The chick's are about 3 1/2 months old now. The black guy is a new addition thanks to a friend and fellow neighbor. The black fellow is about 4 months old.

Looks like someone is trying to see what's going on in the house. It also looks like I need to clean a dirty sliding glass door too :-(

Judging by their age, size and habits, I think I should start to be seeing some eggs from my Rhode Island Reds in about 3-4 weeks and the Buff Orpingtons in about 4-6 weeks. Here's to some tasty home-grown breakfasts!


  1. I see you got rid of sparrow on your side bar. haha

  2. Yeah, may he rest in pieces in my freezer ;-) LOL
