Monday, January 31, 2011

Where did January go?

Wow, where did January go? A friend of mine just restarted her blog and it opened my eyes to the fact that I, myself, have not blogged in almost a month. Bad blogger BAD! LOL
January has been quite a month this year. We have had crazy weather! Freezing temperatures that led to some snow and ice. Then, a warm streak that caused major flooding. The cold, damp, gray and gloomy days. I think I can speak for all of us here on the farm when I say “Where’s Spring?”. Between the wet and the soggy, the thought of spring is an amazing dream to say the least!

With the continuing chills in the air, we have switched out Mama Goats coat for a better, non-ducktape model that fits like a glove. I went with a Dover brand 2XL dog coat that fits Mama much better than the old foal coat. The foal coat was too long in the front (hence the ducktape) and with goats having similar body sizes and structure to a dogs, the Dover coat worked wonderfully! The way Dover makes their dog coats is similar to the wonderful quality of a horse blanket so it’s a prefect option! Heavy duty, water/mud proof and super warm.

January also included the first, which will not be the last, chicken harvest. Yes, I know most of you are thinking “Oh my” or “Ewwww” or even a “How could you?”. I have heard it all. But, yes – to answer all of your questions, I harvested my own chickens. Why you ask? There are many reasons. Due to a nasty tempered rooster and another handful of mean roosters and well, it was their time. My sister, her friend, my uncle and I went ahead and did the deed. We harvested 4 that day. Two are in my freezer and two in my sisters’ freezer. Yes, yes I know… again “How could you?”. Well, this was my response to most:

“In order to give an animal a wonderful life, we must have their lives full of happiness. That means good food, free of stress and a wonderful home. But then, when their time is up, to let them not live without meaning, but live a life that can be shared with others. By the chickens giving up their lives, we take respect to them by continuing their gift of life by fueling our lives; thus, the circle of life. Their passing’s were humane and without pain.”

It’s truly that simple. Really, it is! I also give this tidbit to think on... By me raising and harvesting my own chickens, I know EXACTLY where my food is coming from. I know what they eat and I know what they don’t eat which means I know that my meat and eggs (when they come) are free of chemicals, pesticides and just gross and nasty stuff the most of the factory food has today. I also get a great since of peace raising my own animals. I receive a great since of pride when I can take great care of an animal and have something to show for it – a great meal for my family.
So, I am currently down on the number of animals here on the farm: 9 chickens (2 roosters and 7 hens), 4 goats, a dog and a horse. We do have plans to extend our family though. Later this winter/spring we will be getting more hens and also a handful of turkeys. I know, I know – TURKEYS?!?!?!?! Yes, turkeys. Turkeys are so easy to raise, just like chickens, and make a WONDERFULL holiday meal. Turkey is also great any time of year and since we have a large freezer in the garage – why not I say!
So that is January in a nutshell. Lots of weather, lots of animals and lots of homeschooling. Till next time blog world!

Monday, January 3, 2011

It's a New Year on the Farmstead

That's right, it's 2011 now and we are looking forward to what the new year will bring us. So far, we have had nothing but below freezing, frigid temperatures and a snow that has not left. It's so cold, the snow is growing ice crystals! Luckily, we have not lost any animals and had no illnesses during this cold snap. Mama B's coat is holding up, even though its too big. I found a 2XL Dog coat online that should fit her more correctly. Here's to it arriving soon!

Even with the low temps, the weather has been quite beautiful with clear sky's and a bounty of sunshine. Today is the last day before the hubby goes back to work after taking a week and a half off for the holidays, so we thought we would make it count and do some farm chores outside. The garage is cleaned and organized, the Christmas lights are down, the driveway pad & walkways are shoveled and de-icer has been spread everywhere.

While me and the hubby were working, the kids had fun playing in the snow. It was so beautiful outside, I had to stop to take some pictures around the farm. Here's what I found...