Monday, April 4, 2011

The Turkeys are 3 weeks old!

The little num-nums are getting big!

This last week they have really taken off in their growth. I could almost swear that every morning we can see new and more feathers on them then they had the day before. The are itching themselves alot due to their skin itching with the new feathers and the baby downy falling out (kind of like how we itch after a shave or hair cutting).

They have learned to "fly", or should I say they can fly about 6-8 inches into the air, but the have no aim! They can get on top of their feeders, but their lack of aim for the roosting bar sends them into the wall. It's pretty funny to watch! Yes, I know I'm mean, but it is really really funny! Pretty soon though, they will be too heavy to fly and will not be very acrobatic.

We have been busy on the farm getting things ready. They have about 2-3 more weeks before they will experience the outside world so Turkey coop designs are being made and finalized. Next weekend will be another trip to the lumber yard for supplies and it will probably be built the weekend of April 16th, cutting it a bit close, but the weather has given us much difficulties the last few weekends (major rain and flooding).

Anyways, I leave you with some pictures of the little num-nums...

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