Monday, April 4, 2011

The Mega Chicken Coop IS DONE!!!

Yes, thats right, the new chicken coop IS FINISHED! It took a few weekend afternoons and some sore muscles, but its completed. An 4 foot by 8 foot Ritz Carlton of Chicken Coop AWESOMENESS!!!

It was the first large home improvement project the husband and I took on as a team and we did really well. There was no arguing, no name calling other than me being a little miffed with the husbands measurements (we learned the hard way that I take the measurements). The hubby did an awesome job installing the roof while I watched from the ground praying it would hold him and not send him to the ground. It would have been alot easier if it wasn't for the record rainfall and flooding, but it got finished in the end.

Here are the pictures of the progess (sorry some of them are out of focused)...

The only thing left to do is I want to build two more nesting boxes underneath the ones that are in there. Some of my gals can get into the high ones, but a few gals think its too high. It will be a easy fix/add that should happen sometime this weekend.


  1. Hmm, maybe you can make one for my mom when her chickies get bigger!

  2. Yeah! This is fantastic. You guys did a great job!
