Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Turkeys are 10 weeks old!

The Turkeys are 10 weeks old now - WOW how these little guys have grown. I had to confirm their age on the calendar since the days have gone by so quickly this spring. To celebrate their birthdays (not really, but let's say so), they were taken out of the baby pen and moved across the property to the old goat pen, or should I now say the Turkey Pen. Oh boy, do they like grass!


  1. It was great to meet the fish, and - uh - I'm so glad that turkeys taste good. They aren't the most handsome creatures. yay for a new pen for them! Good little mowers!

  2. Yeah, their not the prettiest birds. I think they look more like vultures than anything else. They sure eat like vultures too! LOL
