Friday, March 25, 2011

A Usual Morning...

This is the pretty sight I see every morning when I wake up...

It wouldn't be so bad if she didn't hog all the covers! ;-)

Monday, March 21, 2011

A few observations...

Observation 1: The goats are quite happy now in their perminent structure/field.

Observation 2: Chickens are worse at digging holes and under the fence than the dog!

Observation 3: The garden smells soooooo much better than it did when the goats were in it.

Observation 4: "Pre-teen" did not inheriate my organizational skills.

Observation 5: Goats will lick each other's eyes in order to remove the "sleep" gunk.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Signs of Spring... At Last!

The girls and I took a break from homeschool this afternoon to work on the perminent goat pen during a rain break. We even saw about 2 hours of sun light! The perminent goat pen is close to being finished, just in time for the turkeys to take the current outside animal pen (formally known as my poor experience of a food garden). On our way back in to the house, the girls went giddy with the small signs of spring! They had to grab the camera for me to take some pictures as proof that the winter will soon be over.

"Little" is so pleased to sign her flowers popping up in her garden that she planted all by herself...

The Japanese Maples are showing some life... proof that we didn't totally kill them this winter!

The Sedona Pines are coming out...

OOO, even the Rhodes are showing signs of life...

I think this is the hubby's honey suckle and here I thought it was dead...

These signs are so exciting! Here's to seeing some more soon!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Turkeys Are HERE!!!

My new babies are here, a few days early, but never the less they are home! They hail from New Mexico via the local feed store. These little guys are American Bronze Turkeys. Are they not completely adorable? They LOVE the camera and already eat out of my hand. They are quite and very docile little ones...

Some info on the American Bronze Breed:

 In the US, the American Bronze (AB) turkey is considered to be one of the few true "heirloom" turkeys, the first heirloom turkey in the United States.

 The AB turkey is as close to the wild turkey as domestically possible.

 The AB turkey is often mistaken for the wild North American turkey, which has caused over hunting and under breeding.

 The difference in taste between an heirloom turkey and commercially-raised turkey is definitely worth the effort to raise your own!

For some wonderful information on the American Turkey please check out this link

Here is what my babies will look like all grown up...